Why your business needs professional document archiving, and how to do it.

Professional Document Archiving - Document Scanners

Even as businesses rush to embrace digital transformation in every aspect of their operations, many companies still face the challenge of digitizing their hardcopy documents and storing them securely.

Be it client records, invoices, financial documents, contracts or the like, a recent survey found that up to 72% of SMEs still maintain paper records containing sensitive information, citing the sheer volume and complexity of digitization as the main hurdle to them doing so.

But does this really have to be the case? Let’s find out.

Digital archiving and why it matters

Digital archiving is the process of converting physical paper documents into digital files that can be stored and accessed on your servers, or on the cloud. More than just an incredibly effective way to store massive volumes of documents, digitally archiving can help your business with:

  • Better responsiveness — With digital documents, various departments can swiftly store and access time-critical documents without having to access a centralized physical storage location and sorting through everything to find a single file.
  • Effortless collaboration — Digitized documents allows all authorized personnel to upload, access, and share document anytime, from anywhere. This helps your business become more agile by enabling effortless collaboration across departments, branches, clients, and even countries.
  • Improved security — With digital archives, you can easily assign usage rights to ensure only the right personnel have access to the right files. You’ll also be able to readily track and monitor who has accessed, deleted or modified any data – a task that is difficult to do with paper documents.

How to start digitally archiving your documents (the right way)?

Although consumer scanning solutions can be found on all-in-one printers, or as standalone devices, these are only suitable for simple scanning tasks. When it comes to archiving, analyzing, and distributing massive volumes of documents, you’ll soon find them inadequate.

On the other hand, you have dedicated professional document scanners like those available from Brother.

These high-speed, feature-rich scanning solutions are not only capable of swiftly scanning a wide-range of documents, but also come with professional document management tools to help streamline the entire scanning process. 

More importantly, these advanced scanning devices feature robust security safeguards that meet and exceed government and industry regulations, ensuring your sensitive data is kept secure against evolving threats.

Document management for the mobile workforce

With an increasingly mobile workforce that’s constantly on the move, businesses in the financial, real-estate, sales and legal industries are turning to portable scanners that are designed for on-the-go productivity.

Powered by built-in batteries, these compact and lightweight scanners fit readily into a bag, allowing users to scan documents as and when they need, while delivering professional scanning quality for archiving.

While small in size, these portable scanning solutions can be big on features, with some offering mobile and cloud solutions to help users effectively scan, store, manage and share contracts, client documents, and signed proposals from smartphones, tablets and laptops – whether they are in a café or a showroom.

Now that you understand the benefits of digital archiving, the next step is exploring the available solutions, and finding out which suits your needs best. A good place to start, is with a world leader in scanning innovation here.

10 handy tips to improve retail efficiency with print processes

Print and Scanning Solutions for the Retail Sector

The way consumers shop has evolved significantly over the past decade.

Improvement on the back-office processes could help deliver an impressive service for the medium size stores competing with major brands.

Take stock of the opportunities with these 10 ideas to help improve processes, customer experience and bottom line with print technology.

1. Price re-marking – As the saying goes time is money, and one of the most laborious and time-consuming tasks in retail is labelling and re-labelling products. Save time with a portable labelling printer which delivers on-demand printing in the aisle. Reliable WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity means it can always be with you, throughout the store and warehouse. Do your bit for the environment and avoid any wastage, as dedicated labelling printers print the exact number of labels required. In turn this saves money – a positive for any business.

2. Stock management – A quality stock management system can result in increased sales. Use a portable printer to easily create print delivery, goods-in and shelf-edge labels. Opting for a device over a manual process means that labels are accurate, avoiding guesswork when it comes to illegible handwriting which could lead to errors. Clear and concise barcodes can also be printed, making scanning simple.

3. Archiving – Having your archive in excellent shape makes it easier to view records and makes fulfilling repeat orders simple. Digitize your processes by scanning and automatically saving delivery notes to your business database. This reduces time and avoids filing mishaps. Using a portable scanner means the device can be located in the most convenient location, making it even more efficient.

4. Secure printing – Keeping sensitive customer data confidential is essential and can be achieved by using an NFC (near field communication) card or PIN activation. This ensures documents can only be accessed and retrieved by the person that pressed print, preventing data falling into the wrong hands. This process can also reduce costs as print limits can be set for each user.

5. Warehouse printing – Portable print, scan and labelling models can be used to create a wireless workflow. Devices can be used anywhere in the warehouse so there is less stock movement and operatives can label goods in the most convenient locations. This means products can be shipped to customers more easily and efficiently.

6. Back office printing – To operate at maximum efficiency, your back office needs to be organized. To print customer orders, dispatch notes and invoices efficiently, you need to invest in a system that can print quickly and manage high volumes. Reduce the burden of frequently replacing toners by opting for high-yield ink or toner cartridges, which produce even more high-quality, professional documents that are easy to read.

7. Queue management – A common customer complaint is wait time at the till. This can be reduced by introducing a few small changes. At a deli kiosk for example, you can manage waiting time by issuing customers with a wait number, using a hand-held printer. At the kiosk, a portable labelling printer can be used to label products, reducing time at the till which in turn creates happier customers.

8. Staff identification badges – Save time and money by creating your own staff and visitor ID badges. Badges can be quickly and easily printed, as and when required and are protected with durable lamination, making them look professional.

9. Capturing customer data – With a multi-function device, users can scan or copy customer ID, making their checkout experience faster as it can be processed there and then in front of the customer. Documents can be kept confidential with access limited to authorized users. In settings where you only need to scan, or you require added scanning functionality, standalone document scanners are incredibly feature rich. This makes them ideally suited to capture customer data.

10. Food labelling – With labelling of food allergens under the spotlight, ingredients can be clearly highlighted through labelling. Multicolor labels can be used to highlight allergens, making it easier for consumers to know exactly what they are buying and to avoid any risk of serious allergic reactions.

Check our retail solution page for many further insights to help you develop more efficient processes that create a foundation for growth.

Digitization during COVID-19: how healthcare technology developed during the pandemic

Label Printer Solutions for Healthcare

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in virtual medical consultations and remote treatment which has led to the rapid acceleration of digital solutions. This digital response has been heavily led by primary healthcare, as many secondary healthcare providers prioritized a focus on treating COVID-19 patients.

As such, the default for secondary healthcare remains as face-to-face consultations and in-person follow ups. However, in many cases, there is probably no need to visit a hospital just to have a conversation with someone.

Leading from the frontline

For many people, primary healthcare remained the first point of contact during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. To deal with the rise in demand and to minimize contact, they introduced telephone, email and virtual consulting. While this enabled continuity of care, it also ensured those who did need in-person appointments were able to get them.

During this time, there were widespread – and legitimate – concerns about potential damage to the health of those whose routine care had to be postponed or abandoned. Of particular concern was the need to manage the aftermath of the pandemic while also dealing with the potential explosion in the need for mental health support caused by it.

This is where secondary healthcare services can learn valuable lessons from the primary healthcare experience and drive their own shift to new digital ways of working. 

A changing landscape

Nowadays an increasing number of people are now using digital technologies to access medical information and manage their health. This includes searching for health information online, booking appointments, attending virtual health consultations and using digital technologies to manage their health remotely1.

Transformations like this are seismic, saving healthcare workers and patients significant amounts of time.

Alongside many other sectors, healthcare has seen a switch towards remote working. However, healthcare faces unique challenges when it comes to sharing highly sensitive information such as patient records. Sharing physical records is costly and time consuming. It also creates issues around confidentiality and staff monitoring. This is where secure digital technology comes into its own.

And it isn’t just patient care that can benefit from this technological shift. Staff training and onboarding can be done remotely, protecting resources and reducing the need for travel.

We have the technology…

Healthcare technology to do all of this digitally already exists. What’s more, it can be easily integrated into current workflows so that it does not require additional resource or significant new staff investments. The onus now is on decision makers to update their IT strategies and invest in new frameworks that are fit for the future of healthcare provision as a core of healthcare, patient confidentiality is paramount in the switch to digital. IT departments will already be well aware of the security measures that need to be implemented. Many, if not all, modern devices like printers and scanners will have built-in security as pull printing, encryption and user authentication. The key will be providing training so that all staff members understand digitization so they can shift their thinking and habits away from the ‘traditional’ way of doing things.

Label Printers to improve digitization of workflow processes for Healthcare sector

To find out more about Brother’s healthcare technology solutions, visit https://www.brother.ae/en/contents/business-solutions/healthcare

Life hacks: top 10 tips and tools for mobile workers and freelancers

Top 10 tips and tools for mobile workers and freelancers

Thanks to constantly evolving technology, business on the move is now easier than ever for mobile workers and freelancers.

Reflecting the shift away from the ‘traditional’ office, technology is continually developing to accommodate workers on the go.

Here are our top 10 tools, technologies and life hacks to help support you on your solo working journey.

1. Get on top of your time tracking

For remote workers, managing time efficiently is a crucial part of the job. An excellent way of staying on top of jobs and maximising billable hours, is to download a time tracking app. This gives you real-time visibility of projects and let you know when you reach capacity.

2. Stay connected with instant messaging

If you’re based outside of the traditional office, it’s easy to miss important pieces of information which might have an impact on your work. Stay on top of the latest updates and news by getting an instant communication tool. It can help remote workers and freelancers quickly send private messages or communicate with a whole team. Designed to move away from lengthy email chains, the software is direct and efficient.

3. Strip out social

If distractions are impacting your productivity and limiting your impact on projects, consider downloading a website and social media blocking app to limit what you can access during working hours.

4. Opt for cloud document storage

Keeping documents secure yet remotely accessible is vital for remote workers and freelancers. Losing documents could prove costly, so consider using cloud storage to back up your important work. Doing so means you can rest assured that your documents are safe in case of a technical glitch.

5. Digitise to save space

The home office is incredibly important for all remote workers, so the last thing you want is clutter from outdated files. Brother’s ADS-1200 scanner are compact yet powerful portable devices – just a little wider than an A4 sheet of paper – which can fit seamlessly into any working environment. Digitising your documents brings many benefits beyond space saving, as it creates a record of documents forever.

6. Bring the meeting room to you

For freelance and mobile workers, keeping in touch with clients, suppliers and teams is crucial. Using video conferencing for virtual meetings makes it more personal than an email or telephone call, whilst saving time and the expense of travelling to various meeting locations.

7. Print and scan on the go

With more mobile devices than humans in the world, it’s no surprise that smartphones and tablets dominate the world of business. Working from mobile devices is even more hassle-free when you eliminate the need for a computer by printing or scanning directly using Brother’s iPrint&Scan app.

8. Get to grips with task management

If you work solo, then you’re responsible for everything – including vast to-do lists. Keep on track of things with a task management tool which helps you to organise your documents, create a to-do list, plan your day and provide you with deadline reminders. Our top tip – color code items according to the task or client.

9. Take your printer out on the road

Workers on the move still need to print. Instead of waiting until you get back to HQ or your home office, use compact and lightweight printers that fit into any vehicle boasts attention to detail and intricate printing all from the comfort of your car.

10. Don’t lose it, label it

If you’re working at home, it’s likely that you’ll be restricted on space. Keep your working area organised by labelling files and folders, to ensure all your paperwork is kept in order, making finding that all-important document a simple process. Brother’s Label printer series creates stand-out labels that can be printed in a whole spectrum of colors.